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Makena Mueller

But You Go On...

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

While things have just wrapped in Something Rotten!, I have begun work on the regional debut of Annie Warbucks with Landmark Musical Theatre in San Francisco. I will be splitting the role of Grace Farrell (dates listed on ticket website), as well as having select performances as the amazing Sheila Kelly! Got some belting and some jazzy ballads: what could be better?

Tickets can be found here, running throughout March and the top of April 2023! You can use my code 'Makena' for discounted tickets!


I'm very lucky to be transitioning directly from one project to another, but I am going to miss the SR cast miserably. This cast and crew might be the best I've ever had the chance to work with! Having never been in an ensemble role before, I was able to learn so much from the incredible team we had, both as an actor and especially as a dancer. Understudying such a fun role as Bea, especially being able to watch the HILARIOUS Megan Bartlett in the role every night, was such an amazing new experience as well! Swings, I don't know how you do it!

Feeling especially grateful for everyone and a lot of life currently. Thank you to all I had the pleasure to do the show with, and for all who came out to see the tap-dancing eggs! Some of my favorite photos can be found on my socials, as well as here on my website.


Never heard of Annie Warbucks? You can get a little sampler with the video below, of the incomparable Lindsay Mendez belting to the heavens Sheila's "But You Go On".


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