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Makena Mueller

Audrey Two, but not THAT Audrey Two!

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this production was postponed until further notice. While I am very sad to be stepping down from the production, I wish the team the best.

BUT, on the positive side, I was able to join the amazing troupe down at the Tri-Valley Rep for Something Rotten! You can find info about my new show here.

I am so excited to announce that I will be joining a new production of Little Shop of Horrors out here in the SF Bay Area! Our show is taking place at the lovely little Chanticleers Theater in Castro Valley, running weekends from October 21st through November 13th, 2022.

When I originally auditioned for this production, I went in with the mindset of: man, I love this show. But I'll never be Audrey. I'm too (insert variety of physical traits here). Ah well, worth a shot, I guess. I'll be honest, I left the first general call in tears. I was convinced it was one of the worst auditions I'd ever had, nerves getting to me and hands clammy beyond all reason.

Then, the callback email came. I attended, met some lovely people, had a lovely time. And then a second callback email. Was able to work with some of those same lovely people again, and meet some new ones as well. Then, THE email: I was cast! For our production, I will be the female ensemble member, as well as understudying (U/S) Audrey! So while I'm not Audrey 1 (who will be played by the amazing Eva Li), I'm Audrey 2! But not THAT Audrey 2, the man-eating, blood-sucking plant. Audrey 3?

I am so thrilled to be working on this show! I have never had the opportunity to understudy a role, and I am so delighted to be gaining that experience with the people at Chanticleers. Thank you to my vocal coach, Marisa, for telling me I should go for the role, even when I kept doubting it to myself. Thank you to the creatives, as well as my fellow cast mates: I am so excited to start breaking ground with you all on making such an amazing production! Our first rehearsal was yesterday, August 22, and we continue this week by putting it on its feet (vines?). I hope to see you all at our show soon!


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